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N a m e Moh's
Actinolite 5.5+ 3.03-3.07 Monoclinic f g h i j k
6.5+ 2.60-2.65 Hexagonal None 1.54-1.55 up to
0.013None Variable
Alabaster 2+ 2.30-2.33 Microcrystaline?f 1.520-1.530+0.010 None j k
Alexandrite 8.5 3.70-3.73 Orthorhombic Imperfect 1.744-1.755+0.011 0.015 v Weak None
Almandine Garnet7.5 3.95-4.20 Isometric Imperfect 1.78-1.81 None 0.024 None None
Amazonite 6+ 2.56-2.58 Triclinic Perfect 1.522-1.530-0.008 0.012 None Weak
Amber 2-3 1.05-1.30 Amorphous None 1.54 None None None Variable
Amblygonite 6 3.01-3.03 Triclinic Perfect 1.611-1.637+0.026 ? None v Weak
Amethyst Quartz 7 2.63-2.65 Hexagonal None 1.544-1.553+0.009 0.013 v Weak Weak
Anatase 5.5+ 3.82-3.95 e f g h i j k
Andalusite 7.5 3.12-3.18 Orthorhombic Imperfect 1.641-1.648-0.007 0.016 Strong Weak
Andradite Garnet7+ 3.60-3.68 Isometric Imperfect 1.738-1.745None 0.027 None None
Anhydrite 3+ 2.90-2.99 Orthorhombic f g h i j k
Apatite 5 3.17-3.23 Hexagonal Poor 1.632-1.646-0.002
0.016Weak to v StrongVariable
4.5+2.30-2.50 Tetragonal f g h i j k
Aquamarine 7.5+ 2.67-2.71 Hexagonal None 1.577-1.583-0.006 0.014 Definite None
3.5+2.94e f 1.530-1.685-0.155 i j k
Augelite 5 2.7 e f g h i j k
Aventurine Feldspar6+ 2.62-2.65 Triclinic Perfect 1.532-1.542+0.01 None Weak Dark
Axinite 6.5+ 3.27-3.29 Triclinic Perfect 1.675-1.685-0.010 None Strong None
Azurite 3.5+ 3.7-3.9 Monoclinic Perfect 1.730-1.838+0.108 None Definite None
3 4.5 Orthorhombic f g h i j k
Barytocalcite 4 3.66 Monoclinic f g h i j k
Benitoite 6+ 3.65-3.68 Triagonal None 1.757-1.804+0.047 0.039
v StrongStrong blue
Beryl 7.5+ 2.65-2.75 Hexagonal None 1.570-1.600-0.006
0.014Definite to weakWeak
to none
Beryllonite 5.5+ 2.80-2.85 Monoclinic Perfect 1.553-1.562-0.009 0.010 None None
Brazilianite 5.5 2.98-2.99 Monoclinic Perfect 1.603-1.623+0.020 0.014 v Weak None
Bytownite 6 2.71-2.74 e f g h i j k
Calcite 3 2.71 Hexagonal f g h i j k
Cancrinite 5-6 2.4-2.5 e f g h i j k
Cassiterite 6-7 6.8-7.1 Tetragonal Imperfect 1.997-2.093+0.096 0.071 Definite None
3+3.97-4.00 Orthorhombic f g h i j k
Cerussite 3.5 6.46-6.57 Orthorhombic Perfect 1.804-2.078-0.274 0.051 None Variable
to None
6.5+2.58-2.64 Hexagonal None 1.544-1.553up to
NoneNone Blue-white
Copper pyrite
3.5+4.1-4.3Tetragonalf g h i j k
3.5-4.53.85 Hexagonal f g h i j k
6.5+3.30-3.36 Monoclinic Imperfect 1.654-1.667+0.013
to None
NoneNone v Weak
Chromite 5.5 4.10-4.90 e f g h i j k
Chrysoberyl 8.5 3.70-3.72 Orthorhombic Imperfect 1.744-1.755+0.011 0.015 v Weak None
Chrysocolla 2-5.5 2.00-2.40 Amorphous None About 1.50 None None Weak None
6.5+2.58-2.64Hexagonal None 1.544-1.553up to
Nonev Weak None
Citrine Quartz 7 2.65 Hexagonal None 1.544-1.553+0.009 0.013 v Weak None
Colemanite 4.5 2.42 Monoclinic f g h i j k
Coral 3-4 2.6-2.7 hexagonal None 1.486-1.658-0.172 None None Weak
Cordierite 7+ 2.58-2.66 Orthorhombic Imperfect 1.53-1.55 -0.008
0.017v StrongNone
Crocoite 2.5+ 5.9-6.1 Monoclinic f g h i j k
Cuprite 3.5+ 5.85-6.15 Isometric f g h i j k
Danburite 7+ 3.0 Orthorhombic Imperfect 1.630-1.636-0.006 0.017 Weak Sky Blue
Datolite 5+ 2.90-5.00 Monoclinic f g h i j k
6.5+ 3.62-3.85 Isometric Imperfect 1.888-1.889None 0.057 None None
Diamond10 3.47-3.55IsometricPerfect2.417-2.419None0.044NoneVariable
Diopside 5-6 3.27-3.31 Monoclinic Perfect 1.671-1.726+0.028 None Weak Strong
dark violet
Dioptase 5 3.28-3.35 Hexagonal Perfect 1.664-1.709+0.053 0.022 Weak None
Dolomite 3.5-4.5 2.85-2.95 Hexagonal f g h i j k
Dumortierite 7 3.26-3.41 orthorhombic Perfect 1.686-1.723-0.037 None Strong Weak
Ekanite 6+ 3.28 e f g h i j k
Elaeolite 5.5+ 2.55-2.65 e f g h i j k
Emerald 7.5+ 2.67-2.78 Hexagonal None 1.576-1.5820.006 0.014 Definite None
Enstatite 5.5 3.26-3.28 Orthorhombic Perfect 1.663-1.673+0.010 None Definite None
Epidot 6-7 3.4 Monoclinic Perfect 1.733-1.768+0.035 0.030 Strong None
Euclase 7.5 3.10 Monoclinic Perfect 1.652-1.672+0.020 0.016 v Weak None
Fluorite 4+ 3.18 Isometric Perfect 1.434 None 0.007 None Usually strong
Fossilized Wood
6.5+2.60-2.65HexagonalNone About 1.54 None None None None
Gahnite 7.5+ 3.58-3.98 e f g h i j k
Garnet 7+ 3.60-3.80 Isometric Imperfect 1.730-1.815None 0.022
None None
Garnierite 2.5+ 2.3-2.8 (Organic) f g h i j k
Gaylussite 2.5 1.99 Monoclinic f g h i j k
Glass* 5 3.15-4.20 Amorphous None About 1.50 None 0.010 None Variable
7+ 3.60-3.68 Isometric Imperfect 1.738-1.745None 0.027 None None
Hambergite 7.5 2.35 Orthorhombic Perfect 1.559-1.631+0.072 0.015 None None
Hauynite 5.5+ 2.40 Isometric f g h i j k
6.5+2.6-2.7HexagonalNone1.54-1.55 up to
NoneNone Variable
Hematite 5.5-6.5 4.95-5.16 Hexagonal None 2.94-3.22 -0.28 None None None
Hemimorphite 5 3.4-3.5 Orhtorhombic Perfect 1.614-1.636+0.022 None None Weak
to None
6-7 3.16-3.20 Monoclinic Perfect 1.665-1.680+0.015 0.017 Definite v Weak
Howlite 3.5 2.53-2.59 Monoclinic? f g h i j k
Hypersthene 5-6 3.4-3.5 Orthorhombic f g h i j k
Idocrase 6.5 3.32-3.42 Tetragonal Imperfect 1.700-1.721+-0.0050.019 Weak None
Ilmenite 5-6 4.72 e f g h i j k
Iolite 7+ 2.58-2.66 Orthorhombic Imperfect 1.53-1.55 -0.008
0.017v StrongNone
Ivory 2-4 1.7-2.0 (Organic) None 1.54 None None None Various blues
Jadeite Jade 6.5+ 3.35 Monoclinic Imperfect 1.654-1.667+0.013
to None
NoneNone v Weak
Jasper Quartz 6.5+ 2.58-2.91 Hexagonal None About 1.54 None None None None
Jet 2.5-4 1.30-1.35 e None 1.64-1.68 None None None None
Kornerupine 6.5+ 3.27-3.31 Orthorhombic Imperfect 1.665-1.682-0.013 0.018 Strong None
6-7 3.16-3.20 Monoclinic Perfect 1.665-1.680+0.015 0.017 Definite Strong
Kurnakovite 4.5 1.86 Triclinic f g h i j k
Kyanite 4.5-7 3.65-3.69 Triclinic Perfect 1.715-1.732-0.017 0.020 Strong blues to colorlessStrong red
Labradorite 6+ 2.69-2.70 Triclinic Perfect 1.560-1.568+0.008 None None Yellow
Lapis Lazuli 5-6 2.4-2.9 Isometric None About 1.50 None None None Strong white
Lazulite 5-6 3.1-3.2 Monoclinic Perfect 1.615-1.673-0.030 None Strong None
Leucite 5.5 2.45-2.50 Isometric and Tetragonalfg h i j k
Magnesite 4 3.0-3.12 e f g h i j k
Malachite 3.5+ 3.75-3.95 Monoclinic Perfect 1.655-1.909-0.254 None v Strong None
Meerschaum 2+ 2.00 Orthorhombic
None1.53NoneNone None None
Moissanite* 9.5 3.20 e g Yes i j k
5.52.32-2.38 Amorphous None 1.48-1.50 None None None None
Moonstone 6+ 2.56-2.62 Monoclinic Perfect 1.520-1.525-0.005 0.012 None Weak
Natrolite 5.5 2.20-2.25 Orthorhombic f g h i j k
Nephrite Jade 6+ 2.90-3.02 Monoclinic Lengthwise: perfect1.600-1.627-0.027
to none
None WeakNone
(Natural glass)
5+2.3-2.8Amorphous None 1.48-1.51 None 0.010 None None
Opal 5.5-6.5 1.98-2.20 Amorphous None 1.44-1.46 None None None Variable
Orthoclase 6+ 2.56-2.60 Monoclinic Perfect 1.520-1.525-0.005 0.012 None Weak
Painite 7.5+ 4.1 e f g h i j k
Pearl 3-4 2.60-2.78 MicrocrystalineNone 1.52-1.69Weak
or none
NoneNone Weak
Periclase 5.5+ 3.70-3.90 Isometric f g h i j k
Peridot 6.5+ 3.27-3.36 Orthorhombic Imperfect 1.654-1.690+0.036 0.020 v Weak None
Petalite 6+ 2.40 Monoclinic Perfect 1.502-1.518+0.016 0.014 None Weak;
Phosgenite 2.5+ 6.13 Tetragonal f g h i j k
7 2.65 Hexagonal None 1.544-1.553+0.009 0.013 v Weak None
Prehnite 6+ 2.87-2.93 Orthorhombic Perfect 1.61-1.64 +0.030 None None None
Ruby silver
2.55.57-5.64Tetragonal f g h i j k
Pseudophite 2.5 2.5-2.6 e f g h i j k
Psilomelane 5.5+ 4.35 e f g h i j k
Purpurite 4.5 3.2-3.4 Orthorhombic f g h i j k
Pyrite 6+ 5.0-5.2 Isometric None Over 1.81 None None None None
7+ 3.65-3.80 Isometric Imperfect 1.730-1.760None 0.022 None None
Rhodochrosite 4 3.30-3.70 Hexagonal Perfect 1.600-1.820-0.22 None None Weak red
(Pyrope Garnet)
7+3.65-3.80Isometric Imperfect 1.730-1.760None 0.022 None None
Rhodonite 5.5-6.5 3.40-3.70 Triclinic Perfect 1.733-1.744+0.011 None Definite None
Rhodozite 8 3.4 e f g h i j k
7 2.65 Hexagonal None 1.544-1.553+0.009 0.013 v Weak None
Rose Quartz 7 2.65 Hexagonal None 1.544-1.553+0.009 0.013 Weak Weak
9 3.97-4.08 Hexagonal None 1.766-1.774-0.008 0.018 Strong Strong red
Rutile 6+ 4.20-4.30 Tetragonal f g h i j k
Sanidine 6 2.57-2.58 e f g h i j k
9 3.99-4.00 Hexagonal None 1.766-1.774-0.008 0.018 Varies Variable
Sard Quartz 6.5+ 2.58-2.64 Hexagonal None 1.544-1.553up to
NoneNone None
Saussurite 6.5 ? e f g h i j k
Scapolite 5-6.5 2.57-2.74 Tetragonal perfect 1.540-1.560-0.009
Scheelite 4.5+ 5.1-6.1 Tetragonal Perfect 1.918-1.934+0.016 0.026 Definite Variable
Serpentine 2.5 2.4-2.8 Monoclinic None 1.560-1.571None None None Partly
Sillimanite 6-7.5 3.25 e f g h i j k
Sinhalite 6.5 3.47-3.49 Orthorhombic None 1.669-1.707-0.038 0.018 Definite None
Smaragdite 6.5 3.25 Monoclinic f g h i j k
Smithsonite 5 4.3-4.5 Hexagonal Perfect 1.621-1.849-0.228 0.014
Smoky Quartz 7 2.65 Hexagonal None 1.544-1.553+0.009 0.013 Definite None
Sodalite 5.5+ 2.13-2.29 Isometric Perfect 1.48 None None None Strong
7+ 4.12-4.20 Isometric Imperfect 1.795-1.815None 0.027 None None
Sphalerite 3.5+ 4.08-4.10 Cubic Perfect 2.368-2.371None 0.156 None Variable
to None
Sphene 5+ 3.52-5.54 Monoclinic Perfect 1.885-2.050+0.105
Spinel 8 3.58-3.61 Isometric Imperfect 1.712-1.736None 0.026 None Strong red
other colors
Staurolite 7+ 3.7-3.8 e f g h i j k
Stichtite 1.5-2.5 2.2 Monoclinic None 1.560-1.571None None None k
Strontium titanite*6+ 5.13 e f g h i j k
Sulphur 1.5+ 2.05-2.08 Orthorhombic f g h i j k
Taaffeite 8 3.6 e f g h i j k
Tantalite 5-6 5.18-8.20Orthorhombic f g h i j k
Tanzanite 6.5+ 3.28-3.35 Orthorhombic Perfect 1.691-1.700+0.009 0.030 v strong None
Thomsonite 5+ 2.3-2.4 e f g h i j k
Thulite 6 3.35 Orthorhombic Perfect 1.691-1.700+0.009 None None None
Tiger's Eye
7 2.64-2.71 Hexagonal None 1.544-1.553+0.009 0.013 None None
Topaz 8 3.53-3.56 Orthorhombic Perfect 1.610-1.638+0.008
0.014Definite to weakWeak
Turquoise 5-6 2.60-2.80 Triclinic None 1.61-1.65 +0.04 None Weak Weak
Tourmaline 7+ 3.02-3.26 Hexagonal None 1.616-1.652-0.014
0.017Definite to strongWeak
Tremolite 5.5-6.5 2.90-3.10 e f g h i j k
Tugtipite 6 2.36-2.57 Tetragonal f g h i j Strong red
Ulexite 2 1.9-2.0 Triclinic Perfect 1.491-1.520+0.029 None None variable
Uvarovite Garnet7.5 3.77 Isometric Imperfect 1.870 None None None None
Variscite 4-5 2.4-2.6 Orthorhombic Perfect 1.55-1.59 -0.010 None None None
Vivianite 1.5-3 2.6-2.7 Monoclinic f g h i j k
Wardite 5 2.81 e f g h i j k
Willemite 5.5 3.89-4.18 Tetragonal f g h i j Strong green
Witherite 3.5 4.27-4.35 Orthorhombic f g h i j k
Wulfenite 3 6.7-7.0 Tetragonal f g h i j k
YAG* 8 4.6 e f g h i j k
Zincite 4.5+ 5.66 Hexagonal f g h i j k
Zircon 6.5-7.5 4.90-4.71 Tetragonal Imperfect 1.777-1.987+0.059 0.039 v Weak to DefiniteWeak
Zoisite 6.5+ 3.28-3.35 Orthorhombic Perfect 1.691-1.700+0.009 0.030 v strong None

Footnotes, Notes, Comments, and Definitions:
* Man made material
** Not found in nature. Created by heating amethyst and yellow quartz
"v" = Very
"Disp." = Dispersion: Ability to split or divide white light into various colors like the rainbow.
"Pleochro." = Pleochroism: Ability to have different color or depth of color when viewed in different directions.
Refraction: A ray of light leaves one medium (for instance air) and enters into another (such as a gem) at a different angle. "Refraction" is the amount of the difference of the two lines of the same ray of light. Similar to a pole partly in water and partly out of water. The pole appears to bend in the water where the water and the air meet.
Refractive Index The amount of refraction defined as the proportional relationship between the speed of light in air to that of the gemstone, crystal, or gem rough. Can be determined by a refractometer
"Double" = Double Refraction: The ability to have one ray of light split into two rays of light. Therefore, having two refractive indices. It is expressed as the differance between the highest and lowest refractive indices. An expert lapidarist can situate the cut of the stone in such a way to almost alleviate the blurred affect or the doubling effect of facet edges or images as one looks into or through double refractive stones. Can be determined with a polariscope
  1. Gemstones having a Moh's Hardness of less than 5 are too soft for jewelry and are basically collector stones.
  2. About 170 gemstones are listed above. Many not listed are rare collectible gemstones.
  3. Please notify us about any errors or additional information.
  4. Please help us add to the list. If you know of a gemstone not listed, please provide us with the information and documentation.
  5. Thank you!
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