A Division of
Jack Slevkoff's
Prized Possessions
Gems, Jewelry, Gem rough, Lapidary equipment $ supplies, Books,
Testing equipment, Geology and Rockhound tools, Jeweler's
tools, Tumblers, Abrasive grits, Settings, Displays, Boxes,
and Lapidary services
to our universe where gems abound...
Wonder Through
our space, Plunder our mines with your cash,
go away a happy voyager and you will come again.
Satisfaction Guaranteed!
We aim to please. |
A fantastic buy
Great stones for a small price
These 9 x 7 mm stones were mined in China.
The stones are eye clean to loupe clean and are of a rich peridot color.
Loose stones of less quality
in this size normally sell for
more than $50 each
These stones are natural and untreated.
We now have them available for you at only
$39.50 each
Does not include shipping and handling costs.
We pass the savings onto you.
We have a small limited supply.
So do not miss out.
High Quality
with Glass Tops
Comes with two high quality foam pads in each box.
One pad is 1/8-inch thick and the other is 1/4-inch thick.
Each foam pad can easily be removed to accommodate high-depth gemstones.
These 1½" x 1½" x ¾" Gem Boxes are
an EXCELLENT way to display, store, and protect your gems and other valuables.
$2.60 each
Ten for $20
Fifty for $75
One Hundred for $130
Does not include shipping and Handling costs
ship. wt. is 1.5 lb per dozen
For that SPECIAL Someone or Yourself.
For more information, click on photo
Listed Retail is $219.95
Now available for only
We highly recommend this vibratory-type tumbler for shaping and polishing rocks.
We believe this is the best, easiest, fastest, most efficient,
economical tumbler for the price.

Does not include shipping costs, additional abrasive
grit and polish, or rocks
It comes complete with grit and "Rapid 61 Polish" to do one load.
However, We recommend paying an additional $21.95 for the the LOT-O-GRIT PACK
with "Rapid 61 Polish" that will do 20 to 25 batches.
Please specify in your request and add additional shipping and handling costs
for 5 pounds shipping weight.
For that SPECIAL Someone or Yourself.
Fluorescent Lamp
This particular Model PP-FLS will provide both shortwave and longwave
flourescent light.
To enlarge, click on photo
Listed Retail is $142.00
Now available for only
Does not include shipping and handling costs.
This is one of the most VERSATILE and POWERFUL ultraviolet lamps on the market.
It uses four "AA" batteries (not included) or a 115V AC adapter (included)
This is a FUN Lamp to play with and prospect with.
Comes with a
60-page book
written by Harry C. Wain
with 22 pages devoted to Fluorescent mineral identification.
Minimum Order is $50
Orders Less than $50 will be charged an additional $6.50
Gift Certificates
Available in $50, $100, and $1000 values |
100% of the face value
can be applied towards the purchase of gemstones, jewelry,
lapidary equipment and supplies from Jack Slevkoff's Prized Possessions.
If full face value is not used in a purchase, the excess amount up to 25%
of the certificates value will be refunded upon request
in cash when the order is placed. All gift certificates
have a 12 month redemption period from date of issue, otherwise, after
12 months, will expire with no value.
These GIFT CERTIFICATES can be purchased from Us at face value.
An excellant gift for that "SPECIAL" someone. |
Make checks and money orders payable to:
Jack Slevkoff
Pertaining to Gemstones
The terms " Cab " (a noun) or " cabbed " (a verb or adjective)
are short forms of the word Cabochon which describes
a stone having a rounded surface. In ancient times most stones
were polished cabs. Most opaque stones and opals today are
cut, shaped, and polished into cabs.
Opals are some of the most beautiful
and interesting cabs available. The opal itself is composed
of noncrystalline hydrous silicon dioxide usually having more
than 1 to 2% water content. Whereas, quartz which also is
composed of silicon dioxide is crystalline and contains less
than one percent water. Yes, It is hard to believe there is
water in them rocks, but there is.
Other stones usually cut into cabs
are jade, jasper, moonstones, turquoise, rhodonite, rhodochrosite,
chrysoprase, labradorite, lapis lazuli, sodalite, malachite,
agates, and various chatoyant stones oriented and cut to show
stars or cats-eyes. Stones having stars or cats-eyes also fit
into another group of stones called phenomenal stones
which means having unusual visible characteristics that are
exceedingly remarkable or extraordinary.
When giving... |
Give a Gift That lasts! |
Faceted stones have flat faces on
the surface of the stone called " facets. " Most
transparent stones are cut with facets to bring out the
brilliance and color and in some cases to disperse the light
which enters it into various colors of the rainbow called
Some stones are Carved and make
nice broaches (also spelled " brooch "), pins,
pendents (also spelled " pendants "), ornaments,
or displays. Sometimes these carvings are sought after by
collectors as works of art or for their historical nature.
Rare, unusual, collector stones
are stones that the general public does not know exist or are
too soft to use for jewelry. These stones are usually owned
or bought by a small group of individuals who are connoisseurs
of gemstones or like to own the unusual. Often times, the largest
known may be less than a carat in size. They may be scarce or
rare but may not be expensive. For example a 0.15 carat hauynite
may cost only $55. Hauynite does not normally get much bigger
than this.
Synthetics, simulants, and imitations are man made.
Synthetics have the same chemical and
physical characteristics of the natural gemstones but are
produced by man in laboratories. Synthetics are not classed
as imitations, but must be designated as " synthetic ".
Even diamonds have been successfully synthesized since 1955
and are now becoming profitable in the gem market. Whereas,
simulants also called imitations do not have the same characteristics,
but are made to look like the natural gemstone.
Gem rough are stones that are capable
of being cabbed or faceted but are still in their natural rough state.
Returned items are subject to a 10% restocking fee.
No refunds will be given on items altered or used.
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since March 13, 1996. |
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Gemstones |
Gemstones |
Birthstones |
Wedding Aniverseries |
Faceted Stones |
Beryls |
Chrysoberyls |
Fire Opals |
Garnets |
Quartz |
Peridot |
Rubies and Sapphires |
Spodumenes |
Spinels |
Tanzanites |
Topaz |
Tourmalines |
Opals |
Black |
Black Crystal |
Boulder |
Contra Luz |
Crystal |
Crystal with Matrix |
Doublets |
Gray |
Gray Crystal |
Matrix |
Hydrophane |
Regular |
Semi-black |
Semi-crystal |
Triplet Opals
Cabbed Stones |
Carved Stones |
Collector Stones |
Phenominal Stones |
Beryl Rough |
Chrysoberyls |
Collector Stones |
Emeralds |
Fire Opals |
Garnets |
Information |
Spinels |
Tanzanites |
Diamond Ring
Diamond Ring
Wedding Bands
Custom and Foreign
Polished Rock |
Tumbling Rough
Faceting |
Gemstones |
Tumbling |
Bead Mill |
Diamond Testers |
Info & Index |
Flat Laps |
Flexible Shaft |
Faceting Machines |
The Facetron |
Facetron Parts |
The Titan |
The Genie |
The Pixie |
Slab Saws |
Sphere Machines |
Sphere Preformer |
Spool Polisher |
Trim Saws |
Single Barrel Tumblers |
Ultraviolet Lights |
Vibrating Laps
Double Barrel Rotary |
Drill-type |
Lot-O |
Single Barrel Rotary |
Triple Barrel Rotary |
Dia. Discs(Crystalite) |
Dia. Discs(Lapcraft) |
Dia. Discs(China) |
Dia. Drills |
Dia. Saw Blades(China) |
Dia. Grind Wheels |
Dia. Sand/Polish Wheels |
Displays and Gem Tray Cases |
Dyna Disks |
Faceting Accessories |
Faceting Kits |
Gem Powders |
Glue |
Grit & Polishing Materials |
Information |
Lubricants Coolants |
Polishing Laps |
Tumbling Media |
Tumbling Rough |
Cabbing |
Faceting |
Geology |
Jewelry |
Rockhound Kit |
Gold Panning Kit
Gem Cutting & Polishing |
Appraisals |
Prepare Cast Iron Lap |
Prepare Ceramic Lap |
Dop |
Cut Opals |
Treat Opal |
Don't Go Here!
Been deceived |
Tucson Show Guide |
Tucson Show Guide 2 |
Tucson 2001 |
Blythe 1998 |
Congress Street Expo 1998 |
Quartzite 1998 |
Tucson 1998
Banners |
Business Cards |
Specials |
Discounts |
Comments |
Comments 1998 |
Comments 1997 |
Comments 1996 |
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Antique Gas Signs |
California Lottery Collection |
Chandelier |
Giant Wrenches |
Greeting Bags |
Links |
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Loquat Trees |
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Resort Timeshare-Tahoe |
"Six Queens" Gold Coin |
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Common Law Copy Right 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2007
Jack Slevkoff's Prized Possessions. All Rights Reserved.
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